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transformational breathwork

Did you know that something as simple as breathing can help you transform your life, improve your health and be your ally in addressing the root causes of issues that are holding you back and preventing you from finding and attaining the truly happy life balance you desire?......

Transformational breathwork (TB) assist in life-enhancing and transformational improvements in many areas of your life, i.e., stress and anxiety relief, calm mind and body, relaxation, more energy, improved focus, better sleep, pain management, and also assists in overcoming old, limiting and life-destroying habitual negative patterns of behaviour that cause undesired and inappropriate responses to emotional triggers. 


TB includes a number of different approaches and modalities, including Breath-Works amazing personally coached and guided by Brannie, life-changing Journeys. For more information on Journeys click here

The fundamental building blocks of breathwork is about change of state. Change from an anxious state to calm, from sleepless to sleeping, from weary and lethargic to energised, and from unhealthy to healthy etc, simply by changing how you breathe.

Breathe well – Live well!!!

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Transformational Breathwork (TB) has been around for decades and has its roots in Eastern practices like yoga, Tai Chi, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism and more, and has been generally used for promoting self-awareness and discovery, personal growth and understanding, as well as healing and spiritual awakening. Both the words ´breath´ and ´spirit' share the same origin in many languages.


However, most breathwork therapy used today either re-emerged or got its start during the consciousness-raising era of the 1960´s and 70´s thanks to individuals like Stan Grof, a Czech-born psychiatrist, whose research discovered that many non-ordinary states of mind and rapid self-healing could be achieved by modifying the breath, which led to the development of Holotropic Breathwork.

The results of regularly using TB are widespread and unique to each individual, but a few of the most commonly reported results are:


  • Improved health and fitness

  • Feeling more alive and less stressed and anxious

  • Attaining new direction and clarity

  • Being more positive, upbeat and excited about life

  • Liberation from old traumas and broken relationships

  • Release of deep, negative feelings of fear and sadness

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Most people are caught up in the stories that live in their head, and their responses to what their daily life brings are largely driven by the subconscious mind, which is what just about runs our lives for us 24/7.


Recent scientific studies have proven that the conscious mind occupies only around 5% of our potential and that the other 95% is lurking in the shadows of the subconscious and unconscious.

The problem here is that the subconscious can be likened to an outdated old computer
programme based upon everything you´ve ever known or been told in your life to date and running on repeat, just like Groundhog Day! You could say that your past is what is driving your now and also your predictable future.


The subconscious is negatively biased, cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction, and also has no ability to determine whether our responses are appropriate/inappropriate, or even in our own best interest, and you will understand just how important it is for us to quieten the monkey mind in order that we might start genuinely choosing how we guide our lives forward. Breathwork provides us with the tools to quieten the monkey mind and allows us to benefit from releasing old traumas and habitual negative patterns that frees us to choose how we live both now and in our desired future.

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Breathwork can provide the release equivalent to 10-years of emotional build up in just one session!


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